Farmers of Salem
125 W. Broadway Salem, NJ
(800) 498-0954
Call Us
8 am-4 pm
Monday to Friday
Please refer to the Logo Style guide for usage information by clicking here. To download: right click on the link and choose "save target as"
Logo with tagline
-Logo with white background and tagline - 1200 x 502
-Logo with white background and tagline - 300 x 132 -Logo with Transparent background - 1200 x 502
-Logo with Transparent background - 350x 146
Logo without tagline
-Logo with white background and no tagline - 1200 x 527
-Logo with white background and no tagline - 300 x 132
White Logo
-Logo - all white - 1200 x 502 -Logo - all white - 300 x 126